Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Intramural Champions
A firm handshake to all the teams that participated and an especially firm handshake to the winners of this semester's games, Change Your Name and SF Baddies for Basketball, Kriesliga for Open Outdoor Soccer, Troubleshooters for Coed Outdoor Soccer, PED for Pickelball, Brown Pinoy Playaz for Volleyball, Turbo Taco for Indoor Soccer. We can't wait to see you all compete for next semesters championships.

Open Soccer: Kriesliga

Co Rec Socer: Troubleshooters

Basketball A: Change Your Name
Basketball B: SF Baddies

Pickelball: PED
Volleyball: Brown Pinoy Playaz
Indoor Soccer: Turbo Taco (Not Pictured)
Intramurals Info
The Intramural Sports program offers structured sport leagues for SF State students, faculty and staff geared to promote fair play, positive social interaction, effective communication, and healthy lifestyles in a safe and fun environment.
Participants can create teams made up friends and play against other teams created within the SF State community. IM Sports are typically offered in the evenings Monday through Thursday during both the fall and spring semesters. Seasons range from 8-10 weeks in length and consist of men's, women's and co-ed leagues offered at various competitive levels. Intramural Sports offered include basketball, outdoor soccer, indoor soccer, volleyball, and flag football. All games are officiated by trained referees and staff.
All participants sign an online waiver before participating. Please sign your waiver at Campus Rec member portal
All IM players are required to bring their SF State ID Card to every scheduled league game in order to play. No I.D. No Play. No Exceptions.
It is recommended that all players familiarize themselves with the sport specific rules pertaining to their league and by all of the policies outlined in the program handbook[PDF File].
Team Captains
The primary duties and responsibilities of the team captain are to organize the team and help prepare individuals for competition. Keep members of your team informed of all Intramural activities and team’s game times while also promoting active participation and good sportsmanship.
Make sure that at all times your official team roster on is updated and correct and that all team members have signed the Team Liability Waiver.
Team Captain’s will then need to create the team on imleagues website and begin signing up and adding their teammates.
Payment for playing in the league will be made at the pre-league meeting.
It is the captain’s responsibility.
Team Entry Procedures
Step 1: Team Captain must create team on imleagues website.
Step 2: Team Captain invites players to start adding to the team on imleagues website.
Step 3: Once the team’s player minimum is met the team will be moved from the waitlist into the league if space permits. This will hold the spot in the league before payment.
Step 4: Once team is officially in a league and off the waitlist, the Team Captain must submit
Step 5: All teams must send a representative to the mandatory Pre-League Meeting for your sport to receive rules, policies, and to confirm your team’s entry into the league. Payment will be taken at the Pre-league meeting. Any team NOT represented at the meeting may be dropped from the league and replaced by a team on the wait list.
Step 6: Game schedules are finalized after the Pre-League Meeting.
Leagues fill up quickly, even before the deadline. Entry Forms are available starting the first day of the semester. It is strongly encouraged that interested teams turn in their entry form as early as possible, even prior to the date they are due. Teams will be entered into the league on a first come, first served basis.
Zero Tolerance Policy
There is ZERO TOLERANCE towards all violent and/or threatening behavior in all SF State Intramural Leagues. Players and/or spectators involved in any behavior which could potentially cause harm or injury to another player, ie: body checking, throwing punches, tripping, excessive taunting, verbal or physical abuse and other malicious acts will be severely dealt with. In addition, talking to a game official is strictly prohibited and trash talking, arguing, or harassing a Campus Recreation employee will not be tolerated. Individuals choosing to engage in such behavior will be banned from future participation within the SF State Intramural Program forever and a report will be filed with the University Police Department, possibly resulting in assault charges being filed against the individual.
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Policy for Eligibility/Participation
While sport programs have typically been offered in gender-based divisions, the SF State Intramural Sports Program seeks to provide opportunities for all students to participate in its sport programs regardless of gender identity. While sport programs have typically been offered in gender-based divisions, all individuals shall be permitted to participate in the SF State Intramural Sports Program (i.e. leagues, tournaments, etc.) in accordance with the gender with which they most closely identify. If an individual is unsure of which division would be the best fit, please contact the Coordinator for Intramurals, Sport Clubs & Camps. If individuals or teams have any questions about this policy, they may contact the Associate Director of Campus Recreation.
Free Agents
Individuals can also create their user account on and sign-up as a free agent. The individual can then message team captains directly requesting to join their team. After the 4th league game, official team rosters will be frozen and free agents can no longer join a team for that season.
Upcoming Events and Announcements
Documents and Forms:
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