Student Memberships

Majority of San Francisco State University Students are automatically assessed a Rec and Wellness Local Fee within their tuition. Students that are a part of the College of Professional and Global Education (CPaGE) or American Language Institution (ALI) are NOT assessed a Rec and Wellness Local Fee within their program tuition and will need to purchase a Student Non-Assessed Memberships to use the Mashouf Wellness Center.

Membership Terms: 

  • Winter Break 2025
    (if you had an active membership for Fall 2024, then your membership is active until January 26, 2025)
  • Spring 2025 Semester Membership: January 27, 2025 - May 31, 2025
    (May 31, 2025, is last day for access into the facility)
  • Summer 2025 Semester Membership: TBA
  • Fall 2025 Semester Membership: TBA

Memberships Rates for Students

  • Students that were assessed the Rec and Wellness Fee in their Tuition Statement: $0
  • Non-assessed Student Fall/Spring Membership: $188.00
  • Non-assessed Student Summer Membership: $88.00

Please note: Students who pay the Rec and Wellness fee in their tuition will need to pay their tuition and fees within 3 weeks of the semester starting to keep membership active. Please contact the Bursars office if you have questions about student tuition and fees payment.

To Purchase a Student Non-Assessed Membership:

  1. Navigate to Campus Rec Member Portal.
  2. Login below where it says Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni. (Issues logging in, please Click Here
  3. Once back at the member portal homepage, scroll down and select the "memberships" icon.
  4. Select the membership option that is available. (If there are no membership options, please contact the front desk)
  5. Choose your term of membership (semester or annual) and add to your cart.
  6. Select "check out". Please make sure you read and sign the waiver of liability!
  7. Once at the payment page, continue the self-serve payment process to complete your purchase.

Save your receipt! You can save a digital copy on your phone or print out.


Any membership questions or concerns can be directed to our Memberships Team at