Leadership Development

Campus Recreation strives to give our student employees opportunities to both improve upon and gain new skills while working with us that they will be able to utilize in whatever future career they may choose.

All student employees must attend at least one Leadership Development Series (LDS) Workshop during both the fall and spring semester. Workshop topics focus on the following NACE Career Readiness Competencies:

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving
  2. Oral and written communication
  3. Teamwork and collaboration
  4. Information technology application
  5. Leadership
  6. Professionalism and work ethic
  7. Career management

Student employees also take part in two Gator GROW (Guided Reflection on Work) conversations each semester with their full-time supervisor. Gator GROW is focused on making student employment a “high impact practice” – one that requires students to reflect on their learning and connect what they are learning on the job with what they are learning in the classroom.

Although, our Leadership Training is currently geared for our in-house student staff, we are always looking for possibilities to collaborate and share resources with partners across campus. 

Summer Retreat LDS

Learning Exercise

Montara LDS Retreat

Teamwork Exercise

Management Meeting LDS

Affirmation Activity

General Contact Info

Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to the Outdoor & Leadership Development Program Student Managers by emailing crleadership@sfsu.edu or by emailing our Outdoor and Leadership Development Coordinator, Jack Korpob at pkorpob@sfsu.edu