General Policy Statement
The Mashouf Wellness Center (MWC) is governed by California law, the San Francisco State University Student Conduct Code and all other University safety, security and facility standards and policies. Individuals who engage in illegal, unacceptable or irresponsible behavior may have their access modified or revoked indefinitely. In addition to the previously mentioned standards the following are policies that apply to the MWC and its associated programs and services. The Campus Recreation Department Director or their designee(s) can make exceptions to these guidelines.
- To provide a safe and secure environment, members, guests, and spectators are required to follow the requests and instructions of Campus Recreation Department staff.
- In accordance with University policy, smoking or any tobacco use, as well as alcohol or drugs, is prohibited on Campus and in the MWC. Any patron suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to enter the MWC and may be asked to leave. Refer to the Campus Smoking Policy for more information.
- The MWC and SFSU are not responsible for lost or stolen property. Personal items are encouraged be kept in designated storage areas and lockers. All unattended items found within the facility, outside of storage area, will be taken to the Front Desk.
- For your safety and security, identification cards are required for entry into the Mashouf Wellness Center. There are no exceptions.
- Firearms and other dangerous weapons of any kind are prohibited on the SF State Campus, including on MWC property. This includes concealed weapons with a concealed carry permit. Weapons include but are not limited to guns, knives, swords, explosives, martial arts weaponry. Any item deemed as a weapon by Campus Recreation Staff will not be permitted in our facility.
- Facilities and equipment should be used for their designed purpose. If intentional misuse or inappropriate use causes damages to occur to the MWC equipment or facilities, the MWC member or guest may have their access modified or revoked indefinitely, until cost of repair has been paid.
- Non-marking athletic shoes must be worn in the activity areas. Examples of prohibited shoes include, but are not limited to, cleats, sandals, stocking feet and/or hard soled shoes. Exceptions are martial arts clubs, group fitness, special events and aquatic areas.
- Proper attire, upper and lower body clothing must always be worn in all public areas. Upper body clothing covering the mid-section, including front, sides, and back are required. Bottoms covering the buttocks, genitals, and pubic region are required. Clothes with zippers and/or any other feature that may damage equipment are prohibited.
- All wheeled devices, except for ADA designated assistance devices, are prohibited.
- Pets, except for service animals, are not allowed in the MWC for personal use. For more information, refer to SF State's Animals on Campus policy.
- Individuals may use media devices to take photographs and videos in the MWC for personal use, with exception of locker rooms and restrooms. Media determined to be inappropriate, degrading, harassing, misused, or not authorized by the subjects captured is prohibited.
- Personal loudspeakers in the MWC are prohibited. All music devices must be used with headphones.
- Individuals may use media devices to take photographs and videos in the MWC for personal use, with exception of locker rooms and restrooms. Media determined to be inappropriate, degrading, harassing, misused, or not authorized by the subjects captured is prohibited. The use of tripods, selfie-sticks, or any other pieces of personal filming equipment are also prohibited without prior authorization.
- Food, gum, or drinks, other than closed-lid bottles, are not permitted in the climbing wall area, two court gym, MAC gym, natatorium or fitness and workout areas.
- No excessive fragrances are allowed in the building.
- No cursing or loud offensive language is allowed.
- No horseplay or rough housing that can impede other participants is allowed.
- Open flames are not permitted inside or outside the facility at any time.
- Disorderly conduct, abuse of the facility, equipment, or Campus Recreation Department staff, and/or disregard for the recreation and wellness center policies will result in immediate dismissal from the facility. Additional sanctions may include disciplinary action, reimbursement for damages, and/or potential suspension from the facilities and programs. Any individual asked to leave by the staff will not be refunded any paid charges.
- The MWC may not be used for teaching/coaching/training by unauthorized personnel. Coaching and personal training are only permitted by the Campus Recreation Department Personal Trainers. Additionally, the promotion, advertisement, or solicitation of external training services within the MWC is prohibited.
- Shared activity areas in the MWC are intended to be open and available for use unless reserved. Groups are not permitted to hold informal practices, trainings, and workouts to the extent that they restrict the use the shared use of an activity area for others.
- The Campus Recreation Department staff reserves the right to request groups who are utilizing an area without a reservation to leave a space and/or disperse if they are creating an environment where others cannot participate freely.
- All current members can purchase a guest pass for any guest 18 years and older. All guests must sign a liability waiver, and present Government Photo ID before entering the facility. Guest must be always present with member.
- Hanging on the basketball rims or nets is prohibited.
- Throwing or kicking objects against the walls, bleachers, sprinkler heads and lights that may cause damage is prohibited.
- Fitness equipment checked out at Front Desk may be used in gymnasiums.
- Non-marking athletic shoes must be always worn. Black, dark-soled shoes are prohibited.
- The jogging direction will be rotated daily. Members must follow the posted direction.
- No more than two runners or walkers side by side. Inside lane is designated for running/jogging; outside lane is designated for walking.
- Blocking lanes, including sitting, leaning, or stretching on the railing is not allowed.
- Spike shoes, turf shoes, boots, and open-toed shoes are not allowed on indoor track.
- Spectators are not permitted to gather in the track area to view activities below, if it impedes with people utilizing the track
- The priority usage for the MWC shall be to support recreation and wellness services to all members.
- It is the policy of Campus Recreation Reservations & Scheduling to serve the students of SF State, first and foremost. Priority will be given to student sponsored programs and activities.
- During the hours when the facilities are not in use by student programs, they may be made available to others from the campus community, including faculty and staff, and the community outside of SF State.
- For reservations and events that involve using a space without modification, requests must be submitted a minimum of two-weeks prior (i.e., using the MWC Classroom for a meeting). For larger reservations and events that require modified set-up and/or do not use the space as it was intended, requests must be submitted a minimum of four-weeks prior (i.e., using a gym in the MWC for a tradeshow). The required lead time for events is up to the discretion of the Facilities Coordinator. The date of the reservation must fall within the current semester. Certain exceptions may be allowed.
- The required lead time for events is up to the discretion of the Campus Recreation Facilities Coordinator.
- Student Organizations may not request reservations until three weeks into the semester. This date is set by the office of Student Activities and Events.
- Campus Departments and Community Groups cannot make reservations until first day of the semester (excluding Kinesiology, Athletics, and historical events)
- The date of the reservation must fall within the current semester. Priority for scheduling space in the MWC, including West Campus Green and Recreation Field will be given in this order:
- SF State Campus Recreation Department
- SF State Associated Students
- SF State University Departments and Special Programs (e.g., Welcome Days)
- SF State Student Organizations
- All Other Groups (Community)
- Priority for scheduling space in outside spaces (excluding West Campus Green and the Multipurpose Recreation Field) will be given in this order:
- SF State Kinesiology Department
- SF State Athletic Department
- SF State Campus Recreation
- SF State University Departments and Special Programs (e.g., Welcome Days)
- SF State Student Organizations
- All Other Groups (Community)
- Events which are offered to SF State students and are promoting recreation, wellness, and sustainability will be given priority.
- All activities must be compatible with the designated purpose/design of the facility.
- Amplified sound is not allowed unless a sound permit has been obtained and approved by the Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Open flames are not allowed in the Mashouf Wellness Center.
- Unapproved chalking or posting of any advertisements is prohibited.
- Posting and removal of items will be done by the Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Unauthorized or profit-making ventures, meetings, teaching, coaching, personal training or instruction is also prohibited.
- Profit-making ventures, meetings, teaching, coaching, personal training, or instruction is prohibited, unless authorized by MWC Reservations & Scheduling.
- All Campus Recreation facilities and equipment must be left/returned in the condition it was found/received.
- Groups will be held financially responsible for extra cleaning, maintenance or repairs resulting from their event or activity.
- Events with large set-ups must plan for additional setup time as well as breakdown that is needed. Set-up and breakdown time will be considered as part of the hourly reservation.
- Cancellations must be made within 48 hours to avoid potential cancellation fees.
- Request for reservations by non-campus entities (community groups) must be made through SF State University Park Management.
- Vehicles are not permitted on the fields.
- Bicycles must be parked in bike racks. Skating and skate boarding are not allowed around the MWC facility or walkways.
- The MWC reserves the right to reject any request.
- Groups that utilize the MWC are required to follow all standard and prescribed safety rules for the activity they are participating in.
- The university will do everything in its ability to protect lost items found and ensure that they are returned to their rightful owners, but the university is not held responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Members are encouraged to store all personal belongings securely in lockers in the locker rooms or day-use lockers.
- Staff members are not permitted to hold equipment, valuables, or bags for members.
- Found items (SFSU ID's, CA ID's, etc.) should be turned in at the Front Desk.
- Unattended belongings found, excluding those in cubbies and lockers, in the MWC will be sent to the Front Desk.
- Inquiries regarding items lost should be made at the Front Desk.
- Valuable items will be delivered to the University Police Department monthly.
- To report lost property to the University Police Department please call 338- 2306. If your call goes to voice mail, please leave the following information:
- Name
- Daytime phone number/e-mail address
- Description of lost item
- Where & when it was lost
- You can also fill out the online or at the University Police Department lobby.
Picking up Property at University Police Department
- Prior to picking up property from the University Police Department, ALWAYS call ahead to make an appointment. Normal hours for Lost and Found is Mon- Fri 9am to 5 pm, however, this is subject to change without notice due to collateral duties of the clerk.
- Please note, without an appointment, we CANNOT guarantee that someone will be available to release your property. Bring a valid picture ID, such as a driver’s license when coming to pick up property.
- (1) Items that will not be retained include bathing elements, undergarments, bathing suits, toiletries, makeup, torn clothing, trash, items that would not be legal to possess (I.e., weapons, etc.) These items will be discarded when found.
- Members and guests of the MWC may pick up workout towels from the Fitness Desk and Front Desk. Bath towels are available for checkout at the Front Desk.
- Bath towels must be checked back in at the Front Desk. Bath towels not checked back into the Front Desk by the end of the day will be considered lost or stolen.
- If a towel is considered lost or stolen, an individual’s membership will be charged for the price of the towel.
- Members that have not returned towels and/or paid the applicable charge cannot checkout equipment or use the facilities. His/her membership will be suspended (without a refund) until financial restitution is made.
- Individuals requesting to film or photograph in the MWC for class purposes or external use must get approval from Campus Recreation Department Marketing Coordinator or Director, before contacting their Department Advisor to obtain approval. Contact for instructions and paperwork information. All requests must be made with 2 weeks advance notice.
- Personal privacy of participants must be respected, and participants can decline to be included in pictures and videos.
- Individuals may use media devices to take photographs and videos in the MWC for personal use, with exception of locker rooms and restrooms. Media determined to be inappropriate, degrading, harassing, misused, or not authorized by the subjects captured is prohibited. The use of tripods, selfie-sticks, or any other pieces of personal filming equipment are also prohibited without prior authorization.
- Campus Recreation Department staff may request to supervise any recording or photography in the MWC at their discretion.
- Non-members will only be admitted as spectators for events at the discretion of the Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Non-members/spectators must check in at the Front Desk to attain authorized access to the facility.
- Spectators cannot participate in other activities or fitness areas.
- Non-members/spectators must leave the building immediately following the event.
- Air horns, confetti poppers, and other artificial noisemakers that interfere with the activity or create a hazardous environment are prohibited.
- When occupancy limits are reached, events may be delayed and/or suspended to clear the area.
- All spectators are expected to use appropriate/maintain proper behavior regardless of the intensity of competition.
- Negative sporting behavior is defined as improper behavior that includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, physical abuse, obscene gestures/actions, vulgar language, fighting, and other acts.
- Spectators exhibiting signs of intoxication will be removed from the facility.
- Equipment checkout from Front Desk must remain in MWC or on the Recreation Field, unless stated otherwise.
- Only members of the MWC may check out equipment at the Front Desk.
- All equipment must be returned by the close of the facility each day. Equipment not returned by the end of the will be considered lost or stolen.
- Equipment is checked out on a first come, first served basis, and may not be reserved.
- User accounts will be flagged and may be charged for damaged or lost equipment.
- Users that have not returned equipment and/or paid the applicable charges may not check out equipment or be restricted from MWC.
- Wrist straps are required on racquetball racquets while using the racquetball courts.
- Only racquetball, handball, wallyball, and squash are allowed on the racquetball/squash courts except for activities approved by Campus Recreation Department staff.
- No more than four people can be on a racquetball court during a game.
- Lensed eyewear designed for racquet sports is recommended for all racquetball, handball, and squash players. Protective eyewear can be checked out at the equipment checkout desk.
- Racquetball court use is on a first come first served basis.
- When others are waiting, the maximum time allotted for use per racquetball court is one hour.
- Only Campus Recreation Department staff may convert court between racquetball and squash. Please ask at Fitness Desk.
- Reservations will be taken on a first come first served basis at the Front Desk. All users must check in at the Front Desk.
- An individual can reserve one court for one hour per day. The partner of someone who has made a reservation cannot reserve a court for that day.
- An individual must indicate his/her first and last name, phone number and partners' name when reserving a court.
- Photography and video recording are prohibited in the locker rooms.
- We encourage you to lock up all personal belongings. Locks are available for free check out at the Front Desk. The Mashouf Wellness Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please return all white bath towels to the Front Desk to avoid being charged a late fee.
- Day use lockers are available on a first come first serve basis and must be emptied before closure. Any locks left on at the end of the day will be cut and items in the locker will be stored in the lost and found.
- Campus Recreation reserves the right to cut locks and inspect the locker at any time if deemed necessary and/or with reasonable suspicion. In addition, University Police department has the right to open and inspect the locker at any time for lawful purposes to protect the safety of the community.
- Any unapproved signage or fliers in the locker rooms will be removed.
- Please respect our shared space and pick up litter, towels, and all your belongings when you leave.
- Use headphones while listening to own personal audio devices (iPods, etc.).
- As a courtesy to the other patrons, wipe down equipment with disinfectant after use.
- Chalk is prohibited in all fitness areas.
- Personal items such as bags, coats, and other non-essential items may not be stored in fitness areas or open spaces, please use designated cubbies and lockers.
- Sparring and grappling is only permitted in the matted exercise room during scheduled programs with approval from Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Use of equipment is limited to 30 minutes while others are waiting.
- “Holding” or “reserving” equipment for other members is prohibited.
- Safety collars are required to always secure weights on barbells.
- Please rerack all weights, plates, barbells, and dumbbells to proper locations when finished.
- Dropping weights is prohibited. Members must always remain in control of weights in fitness areas. The dropping of weights is prohibited.
- Lifts performed outside the racks are not permitted – unless using the Deadlifting Platform.
- Deadlifts are only permitted on the Deadlifting platform.
- Close toed shoes are required in the cardio and strength areas.
- Bars, weights, and other fitness equipment should not be leaned against, or positioned near equipment, machines, walls, or mirrors.
- Fitness Desk
- Only on-duty Campus Recreation Department staff are permitted behind the Fitness Desk.
- Computer use is reserved for on-duty Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Personal items such as bags, coats, and other non-essential items may not be stored in or behind the Fitness Desk, please use designated cubbies and lockers.
- Heavy/ Speed Bag Usage
- Hand wraps or gloves are required.
- Wrestling and sparring are prohibited.
- Martial arts weaponry is not permitted.
- Monopolization is not permitted.
- Cease activity if bruising, lacerations, or bleeding occurs.
- Closed-toes shoes and shirts are required.
- Clean equipment after each use.
- Deadlift Platform Policies
- Each time an authorized member wants to use the Deadlifting Platform, they must check-out the Yellow Safety Collars from the Fitness Desk. (30 minutes is the maximum time a member can utilize the Deadlifting Platform)
- Use of the Yellow Safety Collars is always required, and they must be returned to the Fitness Desk when finished.
- The Deadlifting Platform and Full Squat Rack is a single machine and only ONE member is permitted to be on it at any given time.
- Only ONE barbell is permitted on the Deadlifting Platform at any given time. All other barbells MUST be racked.
- Walking or standing in front of a lifter as they are preparing to lift is distracting to the lifter and a breach of weightlifting etiquette.
- It is prohibited to lift without footwear. You must have closed toed shoes even while deadlifting.
- Spotting on the platform is strictly prohibited.
- Chalk is strictly prohibited. However, 1-2 drops of Liquid Grip is allowed.
- Only bumper plates may be used on the platform.
- Use of vertically stacked weight plates to create a heightened pulling base is prohibited.
- Shoes must be always worn.
- Failure to follow these guidelines will result in suspension from platform privileges and possible suspension from the facility.
- Each time an authorized member wants to use the Deadlifting Platform, they must check-out the Yellow Safety Collars from the Fitness Desk. (30 minutes is the maximum time a member can utilize the Deadlifting Platform)
- Use of the Yellow Safety Collars is always required, and they must be returned to the Fitness Desk when finished.
- The Deadlifting Platform and Full Squat Rack is a single machine and only ONE member is permitted to be on it at any given time.
- Only ONE barbell is permitted on the Deadlifting Platform at any given time. All other barbells MUST be racked.
- Walking or standing in front of a lifter as they are preparing to lift is distracting to the lifter and a breach of weightlifting etiquette.
- It is prohibited to lift without footwear. You must have closed toed shoes even while deadlifting.
- Spotting on the platform is strictly prohibited.
- Chalk is strictly prohibited. However, 1-2 drops of Liquid Grip is allowed.
- Only bumper plates may be used on the platform.
- Benches are permitted on the platforms so long as they are returned to their correct place
- Use of vertically stacked weight plates to create a heightened pulling base is prohibited.
- Shoes must be always worn.
- Failure to follow these guidelines will result in suspension from platform privileges and possible suspension from the facility.
- Exercise room audio equipment may only be used by Campus Recreation Department staff for scheduled activities.
- Group exercise classes receive priority usage.
- If there is a Group X class in session, casual working out in the exercise room is prohibited, unless specified by an instructor. This is distracting to members who are participating in Group X and is a breach of etiquette. An individual in violation of this will be asked to leave the room by an employee.
- All exercise rooms are available for open recreation when not scheduled for program use.
- Equipment stored in exercise room closets may only be used in during Group X classes.
- Matted Exercise Room
- No shoes are allowed in matted floors
- Equipment that may damage the matted floors is restricted.
- Unless reserved, groups are not permitted to exclude others from entering and using the exercise room for open recreation. Open recreation time is intended to be informal and passive (i.e., stretching, abdominal exercise, trainer discussions, etc.).
- Equipment stored in the exercise rooms may not be removed from those spaces.
- Any equipment brought into the Exercise Room must be brought back onto the main fitness floor.
- Wipe down all equipment with disinfectant after use.
- Use of the Personal Training Lounge and equipment is reserved for Personal Training sessions & programs.
- When not in use, the Personal Training Lounge and Office space should remain locked.
- Only on-duty Campus Recreation Department staff are permitted behind the Fitness Desk.
- Computer use is reserved for on-duty Campus Recreation Department staff.
- Personal items such as bags, coats, and other non-essential items may not be stored in or behind the Fitness Desk, please use designated cubbies and lockers.
- Use of the Massage Room and equipment is reserved for Massage sessions and events.
- When not in use, the Massage rooms should remain locked.
- Rock Climbing is Dangerous. It is every climber’s responsibility to make good decisions and look out for others in the climbing community.
- Orientations, assessments, and technical skills can only be taught by authorized/qualified MWC climbing wall staff.
- Assessment Belts must be checkout and worn in a visible location when utilizing the climbing wall. These belts have colors associated with the given climber’s assessed skill level at the MWC climbing wall. Belts must be returned at the end of their climbing session.
- Climbers may use personal UIAA or CE certified equipment after inspection by qualified attendants.
- Climbers should remove jewelry and belongings (phones, knives, wallets, etc.) from their pockets prior to climbing.
- Shirts must be always worn. Closed toed shoes must be worn while climbing and belaying.
- Climbers must be mindful of their surroundings making sure that they’re fall zone is clear and that they are not in another climbers fall-zone.
- While bouldering climbers may not exceed the height of the first PermaDraw with their head.
- No messy food or open containers allowed in the Climbing Wall Suite. Bottled water or dry food (such as energy bars) are acceptable.
- Campus Recreation staff and Climbing Wall staff are not responsible for damaged or stolen items.
- All accidents or incidents are to be reported to climbing wall staff immediately.
- All climbers and belayers must be top rope belay certified in this facility unless assisted by a staff member.
- Climbers are not allowed to climb past the top-rope anchors.
- All harnesses and carabiners must be made specifically for climbing.
- Lead climbers must be lead certified in this facility.
- Personal ropes/ quick draws are not permitted, please see staff to rent equipment.
- Patrons must be 18 years of age or older and a current student, faculty, or staff member at San Francisco State University.
- Rental equipment is only available to SF State CRD MWC Members with a valid SF State I.D. card, and the Outdoor Resource Center does not allow group rentals. Equipment can only be rented on an individual basis.
- Patrons must pay the full rental fee at the time of rental before leaving the Mashouf Wellness Center with any equipment. Only credit/debit card purchases are currently available. No cash or check will be accepted.
- All rentals are final, and no refunds will be issued for any reason.
- I understand that the rental period begins the day of rental and ends at 6pm on the date the equipment is due. A 1–4-day rental is due back on the 4th day by 6pm. Equipment may not be returned on the weekends.
- If equipment is returned after 6pm on the due date, the patron will be charged a late fee of $5. If equipment is returned past the due date, the renter will be charged a $5 late fee for each day plus the additional day rental fee for each item(s) each day.
- Item(s) that have not been returned after 14 days will be deemed as missing and the patron will be charged for full replacement of the item(s), including tax and shipping costs.
- The patron is responsible for the equipment rented and will be held liable for the condition of the equipment on the due date. The patron is responsible for checking for flaws, defects, and damage prior to accepting the equipment. All equipment should be returned in the same condition as it was when checked out of the ORC. This includes being clean. A $15 cleaning fee will be accessed for any item(s) deemed excessively dirty.
- Equipment can only be returned to the Outdoor Resource Center and not returned to the Front Desk or any other area within the MWC. Items left unattended or anywhere else other than the Outdoor Resource Center will be treated as missing equipment and charged for replacement.
- The patron is responsible for the equipment rented at all times, whether being used or not, and the patron is responsible for the cost to repair or replace lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.
- Equipment is subject to a seven-day assessment period by the Outdoor Resource Center upon return and the patron is required to pay any accessed fee within one week of the first correspondence.
- All equipment is rented with the assumption that the patron understands the function and intended use of the equipment they are renting and the renter is responsible for seeking assistance if necessary.
- Equipment is available to rent for a maximum of 12 days.
- Additional policies and procedures may become applicable at any time. Please ensure to check in with staff prior to renting equipment.
- All trips and clinics are on a first come first serve basis.
- Students are only allowed to sign up for one day trip and one overnight trip per semester.
- Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or debit card are all acceptable forms of payment. Full payment is due at the time of registration.
- Cash and check are not accepted. Fees cover shared expenses like food and gas.
- Trips are currently available to all MWC members including faculty, staff, and alumni. Participants must be over the age of 18 at the time of registration. For SFSU students under the age of 18, a parent must sign the waiver and health form. No person under the age of 17 is permitted on an outdoor trip or clinic.
- All sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferable unless the trip or clinic is cancelled by Campus Recreation.
- Campus Recreation reserves the right to cancel a trip at any time for any reason.
- Participants will be refunded for all trips cancelled by Campus Recreation.
- Weather cancellations are up to Campus Recreation to decide.
- Refunds may take up to 8 weeks to process and will be refunded through a personal check mailed to the participant's address on file with the university.
- All trip and clinic participants are required to attend all scheduled pre-trip meetings. Participants who do not attend pre-trip meetings for the trip they've signed up for will forfeit their spot on the trip and will not be eligible for a refund. Pre-trip meetings are an essential part of the trip to go over logistics and build group cohesion. All meetings will be held in the evening's on either the Tuesday or Wednesday at 8pm the week of the trip in the Mashouf Wellness Center unless otherwise communicated.
- Participants are individually responsible for their own medical expenses. For participant’s protection, it is recommended that all participants have current health insurance.
- All trips require a varying degree of physical fitness to participate. If you have concerns prior to the start of a trip, please contact and we will do our best to fit you with a trip that suits your needs and ability level.
- If you have any dietary restrictions, please let trip leader know in the pre-trip meeting and fill out the health form accordingly. We can accommodate most dietary restrictions in the backcountry.
- All alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and firearms are strictly prohibited on all outdoor trips.
- Nudity is prohibited on all outdoor trips.
- Participants are expected to show up on the trip departure date with the recommended equipment for the trip they are going on. Trip leaders can make suggestions, but ultimately it is the responsibility of the participant to decide what is appropriate for them.
- Participants may be expelled from an outdoor trip at the discretion of the outdoor trip leaders in which case alternative arrangements will be made to remove the participant from the trip.
- The MWC reserves the right to suspend or terminate any membership.
- Members/Non-members who violate any MWC policies or commit one or more of the following actions may be subject to suspension of MWC Membership and/or Guest privileges:
- Jumping over the turnstiles.
- Entering through the swinging gate without authorization.
- Purposefully opening doors/gates, emergency exits and allowing unauthorized people into the building.
- The use of a San Francisco State OneCard by anyone other than the cardholder.
- Collusion in any of the actions stated above, or any other action involved in providing or gaining unapproved access to the MWC.
- Violators are subject to the following:
- 1st offense - Suspension of MWC membership for two weeks.
- 2nd offense - Scheduled meeting with Campus Recreation Full Time Staff and suspension of MWC membership for up to one year.
- 3rd offense – Indefinite suspension of MWC membership.
- The Director of Campus Recreation has the discretion to suspend any individual's membership indefinitely on first or second violation.
- Appeals of a membership suspension will be heard after half of the suspension has been served. A formal appeal must be submitted in writing to the Director of Campus Recreation or his/her designee.
- All sales are final, there will be no refunds. To dispute you may contact the Memberships and Outreach Coordinator.
- All users are expected to be responsible, courteous, and safety-conscious always.
- No swimming or entering the pool unless a lifeguard is present.
- No running on the pool deck.
- No diving allowed.
- Shower before getting into the pool.
- Entry to the pool may be denied for any of the following reasons:
- Intoxication
- Open sores, wounds, skin infections, and nasal or ear discharges
- Any condition that may jeopardize the health and safety of participants
- You must wear proper swim attire. Clothing designed for swimming is required, street clothes are prohibited.
- Personal property should be stored in either the cubbies or lockers. The Campus Recreation Department is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
- No objects may be brought into the pool that may risk injury to swimmers, patrons, or yourself.
- No food or glass bottles allowed on deck or around the pool area. The only exception is water in a closed, non-breakable container.
- Socializing with or distracting the pool staff is prohibited.
- Spitting, blowing of nose in the pool or on the deck, and improper public displays of affection are all strictly prohibited.
- Pool equipment is available for first come first served basis. Please use the equipment properly and return it to its proper place after use.
- During high usage times, please share your swim lane with other swimmers. When there is more than one person sharing lanes, circle swimming will be implemented.
- No person within the Natatorium shall behave in a manner that jeopardizes the safety and the health of others, including abusive or profane language.
- Participants must abide by the decisions of the Lifeguard Staff. Failure to adhere to these rules could result in loss of swimming privileges.
- If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the rules, please ask the Lifeguard on duty.
- Remove your shoes before entering.
- Bring a towel to sit or lay down on.
- No electronics in the sauna.
- Get in and out quickly, don`t leave the door open to lose precious heat.
- Speak softly…whispering would be better. Many people enjoy a meditative, healing state in the sauna.
- For safety reasons, it is recommended that you limit time in the sauna to ten minutes.
- Please shower to cool off.
- Do not use if you have: heart disease, diabetes, high/low blood pressure, skin infections, open sores, or are pregnant.
- Do not pour water on the rocks in the sauna.
- Exercising (including yoga) is prohibited in the sauna.
- Warning: Reduce the risk of overheating:
- Exit immediately if uncomfortable, dizzy or sleep
- Always supervise children
- Check with a doctor before use if pregnant, in poor health or under medical care
- Breathing heated air in conjunction with consumption of alcohol, drugs or medication may cause unconsciousness
General Policies
- Use of the Athletic Multi-Purpose fields is restricted to appropriate activities, which fall within University policy; all necessary liability waivers are required by all users.
- Students, Faculty, Staff may be required to show proof of University ID and/or Gator Pass to utilize the area. All non-University users must have prior approval to use facilities.
- No alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or drugs are permitted. Any patron caught with these substances will be asked to leave and/or events may be canceled. SF State is a smoke-free campus and smoking is only allowed in designated areas (see campus smoking policy)
- No grilling or cooking of any kind is allowed on the premises.
- Sales or distribution of food and other merchandise are generally not allowed at the Athletic Multi-Purpose Field's. Permission under special circumstances may be granted, but individuals and groups must follow University rules and policies.
- Bicycles must be parked at the designated bike racks. Bicycles must not be ridden on the Recreation Field, lawn area nor attached to light poles, goals or other objects.
- Walkways should be kept clear of equipment and obstacles, including soccer goals.
- Individuals and groups are required to pick up any trash and are expected to dispose of it properly in designated bins.
- Large inflatables and bounce houses are not permitted without prior approval from the University.
- The Athletic Multi-Purpose Fields are located close to classrooms, offices, and living spaces, and individuals and groups are asked to be respectful of their noise levels to prevent disruption to others. The use of amplified sound of any kind will generally not be allowed. However, under special circumstances special permission may be granted through the Student Involvement and Career Center Office and users must follow University rules and policies.
- All patrons are expected to use proper conduct. Infliction or threat of bodily harm, whether done intentionally or with reckless disregard, including threat or action in retaliation for making allegations of misconduct, is prohibited.
- Individuals who have reserved the Athletic Multi-Purpose Field must have a copy of their event confirmation on them throughout the duration of their reservation.
- Policy Exceptions — Requests for exceptions to any of the Athletic Multi-Purpose policies, including use of the Recreation Field, should be submitted in writing to Campus Recreation.
Recreation Field Policies
- Recreation Field hours of usage are 10:00am-10:00pm daily during the school year, and 8:00am-10:00pm daily when school is not in session.
- Players play at their own risk. Campus Recreation and San Francisco State University will not assume responsibility for ill health or injury sustained while participating in facilities. Participation is voluntary. All individuals are encouraged to obtain a physical examination and suitable insurance coverage before participating in recreational activities.
- The Recreation Field is open for drop-in use by campus members when not reserved for scheduled Campus Recreation programs or other University or community scheduled activities.
- The Recreation Field is intended for appropriate sports and recreation activities. Inappropriate sports and recreation activities are not allowed, including golf, baseball, and softball.
- The following are not permitted on the Recreation Field:
- Animals, except for service animals.
- Food, drink (except water), sunflower seeds, tobacco products, chewing gum.
- Metal cleats and metal-tipped molded cleats.
- Smoking.
- Stakes and other sharp objects.
- Vehicles are not allowed to be driven onto the Recreation Field at any time. Parking is also prohibited on the Recreation Field.
- Recreation Field lining is not permitted, including paint, chalk, tape, or adhesive material. Anyone caught lining the Recreation Field will be subject to payment for damages.
- Recreation Field is subject to closure for maintenance or inclement weather. In addition, Campus Recreation has the authorization to cancel any activity at any time if deemed necessary.
- Facility users must follow all posted regulations and comply with decisions made by Campus Recreation and its staff (including presenting ID when required) to ensure the safe and effective operation of the facility and programs. Campus Recreation staff have the authority to cancel events and have the option to contact University Police for assistance at any time.
- Animals, except for service animals.
Recreation Field Lights
- Lights on the Recreation Field will automatically turn off at 10:00pm Sunday through Saturday when the field closes. Players are asked to leave the area when the lights turn off at night.
- Requests for the field lights hours to be adjusted for a specific event must be made as part of the reservation agreement in advance of the event.
Recreation Field Closure and Notification
- When the Recreation Field is determined to be unplayable (i.e., standing water, saturation, lack of visibility), activities may be suspended and/or canceled to avoid further damage to the field or risk of injury to individuals.
- If the Recreation Field is deemed “UNPLAYABLE” by the Campus Recreation Department or SF State Facilities staff, signage will be posted at the area. Players must stay off the fields during this time.
Recreation Field Reservation Policies
- First consideration for reservations will be given to Campus Recreation programs and activities. When the Recreation Field is not in use for a dedicated Campus Recreation program or activity, student organizations, campus groups, and community groups can request to reserve the facility.
- Students requesting reserved space on the Recreation Field must be affiliated with a recognized student organization to reserve the space (recognition is obtained annually through the Student Involvement and Career Center).
- Student organizations and on-campus Departments can submit an online reservation request to use the Recreation Field starting the third week of both the fall semester and spring semester. Reservations will be granted to student groups only during the academic fall and spring semesters when classes are in session.
- Outside community groups interested in reserving the Recreation Field will be required to contact University Property Management at (415) 338-1067.
- It is the responsibility of the group reserving space to pay for any insurance requirements and/or University Police Department officer(s) if deemed necessary by the University to host their event or activity on the Recreation Field.
- A supervisor, or other Campus Recreation personnel, may be required dependent on the event needs. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to cover the cost of the necessary staff, if required, and outside of normal Campus Recreation staffing levels.
- Groups reserving the Recreation Field for activities are responsible for the conduct and actions of those associated with and participating in the event. This includes casual spectators as well as followers and team members/opponents.
- Groups will be charged for any damage or cleanup that results from their approved scheduled activity. Extra trash, recycling, and composting bins may be requested at the time of reservation.
- Campus Recreation can provide athletic equipment upon request if available. Some equipment that is requested by a group to be used during an event may incur a rental fee for use of the equipment. Equipment requests should be made at the time a reservation is placed.
- The restrooms will remain locked, during closed hours, unless opened by special request or for special events. Requests to unlock the restrooms should be made at the time a reservation is placed.
- All Lactation Room users are expected to clean up after each use of a room.
- Each user should allow enough time within a visit to clean the pump equipment of breast milk spills and dispose of trash properly.
- Upon accessing the room, lock the door. Do not prop the door open at any time.
- Do not leave your personal pump in the rooms. We are not responsible for securing personal items left in the rooms against theft or use by others.
- Items left in the Lactation Room after reservation will be collected and placed in lost and found at the Front Desk.
- Individuals who use these facilities are expected to make their own arrangements for refrigeration, including sealed containers, and proper storage.
- All reservations are for a 30-minute period.
- Reservations may be made weekdays from 8am-5pm. On weekdays before 8am and after 5pm, reservations are on a first come first served basis and are to be made at the Front Desk in the Mashouf Wellness Center.
- Nursing mothers can register to use the Lactation Room by making a room request by clicking on the link below and entering their SF State Credentials:
- Lactation Room Locations
- The library – room 267
- Science 379
- Children’s campus – multi-purpose room
- Mashouf wellness center
- Map of Locations
- San Francisco State University (“University”) allows individuals to bring animals on University property in accordance with state and federal laws and in other situations, on a case-by-case basis, subject to the rules outlined in this policy as required by applicable law. This policy sets forth roles and responsibilities of individuals permitted to bring animals on campus.
- The animals covered by this policy include the use of service and assistance animals (also known as emotional support animals). At the same time, the guidelines presented here acknowledge the health and safety risks potentially created by unrestrained animals, (e.g., wild, feral, or stray animals).
- This policy applies to employees, students, University affiliates, visitors, contractors, and applicants for admission to or employment with the University.
- Service Animal (service dogs and psychiatric service dogs)
- A service dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting/protecting a person who is having a seizure. Examples of work performed by a psychiatric service dog includes responding to a person’s panic attack by initiating contact, alerting an individual exercising poor judgment that he/she may hurt themselves, and waking a person with clinical depression and coaxing them out of bed at a specific time of day.
- The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of defining a service animal.
- A service dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting/protecting a person who is having a seizure. Examples of work performed by a psychiatric service dog includes responding to a person’s panic attack by initiating contact, alerting an individual exercising poor judgment that he/she may hurt themselves, and waking a person with clinical depression and coaxing them out of bed at a specific time of day.
- Assistance Animal/Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
- An animal that is necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling when there is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the person’s disability and the assistance the animal provides.
- An animal that is necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling when there is an identifiable relationship or nexus between the person’s disability and the assistance the animal provides.
- Responsibilities for Domestic Animals (Including Service Animals and Assistance Animals)
- Dogs, cats, and other animals must be under complete control while on campus grounds; either under voice control or restrained by a leash, chain or harness that does not exceed (six) 6 feet in length, the other end of which is restrained by a person. If this constraint interferes with a service animal’s work or if the individual’s disability prevents using these devices the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. The wearing of a muzzle by a dog shall not be regarded as control by its owner.
- Any domesticated animal brought to campus must be licensed and fully inoculated in accordance with the City and County of San Francisco regulations, with the burden of proof on the owner.
- Fecal matter deposited by any domesticated dog, cat or other animal brought to campus must be removed immediately and disposed of properly by the owner. The burden is on the animal owner to arrange for removal of fecal matter if he or she is personally unable to perform the task.
- Animals must not be tethered to a stationary fixture or tree or left unattended on campus. Domestic animals and pets found tethered, unattended, or abandoned may be humanely impounded in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- Service animals accompanying a person with a disability or an authorized service animal trainer, as defined by California Civil Code §54.1 and 54.2, are permitted on campus grounds and within University buildings, including the University housing assignment provided to an individual with a disability. This practice follows Titles II and III of the American with Disabilities Act and the ADAAA.
- Assistance animals/ESAs are only allowed on campus grounds and to accompany an individual into his or her University assigned residence in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. However, an assistance animal/ESA is not allowed to accompany a University student or employee into his or her workplace, into a residential dining center or into any other University building. All other domesticated dogs, cats, and other animals are not allowed in either campus residential or non- residential buildings.
- Dogs, cats, and other animals must be under complete control while on campus grounds; either under voice control or restrained by a leash, chain or harness that does not exceed (six) 6 feet in length, the other end of which is restrained by a person. If this constraint interferes with a service animal’s work or if the individual’s disability prevents using these devices the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. The wearing of a muzzle by a dog shall not be regarded as control by its owner.
- Responsibilities Specific to Service Animals and Assistance Animals
- Service Dogs
- The owner or handler must be always in full control of the service animal.
- Reasonable behavior and proper hygiene are expected from the service animal while on campus. If the animal exhibits unacceptable behavior, the owner is expected to employ proper training techniques and correct the situation to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
- Service animals with hygiene issues will be denied access to campus until the problem is resolved.
- The feeding and watering of service animals in campus buildings is allowed.
- According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADAAA, service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.
- When a person with a service animal enters a public facility or place of public accommodation, the person cannot be asked about the nature of extent of his/her disability. Only two questions may be asked:
- Is the dog required because of a disability?
- What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
- These questions should not be asked, however, if the dog’s service tasks are obvious.
- These questions should not be asked, however, if the dog’s service tasks are obvious.
- Service Dogs
- University staff may require an individual with a disability to remove his/her service dog from the premises if:
- The dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it;
- The dog is not housebroken; or
- The presence of the service dog will result in a direct threat to health/safety of the service, program, or activity involved.
- The dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it;
- Assistance Animals/ Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s)
- “Assistance Animals”/ESAs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and ADAAA. However, SFSU Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) may determine collaboratively with the owner whether the request for an animal rises to the level of reasonable accommodation and, if so, require that the assistance animal be registered with DPRC as a service animal.
- Participants may not drive themselves to and/or from destinations and must travel as a group with trip leaders.
- Only Trip staff are able to operate vehicles while on outdoor trips unless there is an emergency situation.
Any questions, comments or concerns can be directed to
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