Group Fitness Class Descriptions

Group fitness classes are instructor-led workout sessions that involve a group of participants performing exercises together. These classes are held in our wonderful fitness studios and include a wide range of activities such as Aerobics, Zumba®, Yoga, Strength training, Cycling, and more. The classes are designed to provide a fun and motivating environment for participants to improve their physical fitness, health, and wellbeing. The instructor leads the group through a series of exercises that are designed to target specific areas of the body, with modifications available for varying fitness levels. Group fitness classes can be a great way to stay motivated, meet new people, and achieve fitness goals in a supportive and fun environment.

Course Description:

This full-body exercise routine combines elements of ballet, Pilates, yoga, and strength training to target, sculpt, and elongate the major muscle groups. With a focus on high repetition of low-impact movements using lightweight equipment such as dumbbells, weighted balls, or bands, this barre workout will effectively tone and improve flexibility.


Teresa and Claudia

Area of Focus:

Full body workout and Cardio


BODYCOMBAT, a non-contact, high-energy martial arts workout. No experience needed. Learn moves from Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira, and Kung Fu while releasing stress and feeling like a champion. Come with a fighter attitude and leave all inhibitions behind.


Teresa and Mikhael

Area of Focus:

Strengthening muscles.


BODYPUMP®, the perfect workout for all. Light to moderate weights and high reps are used for a full-body workout, guided by instructors who provide scientific-based moves, motivation, and energetic music. Get ready to pump and reach your fitness goals.


Mikhael and Patsy

Area of Focus:

Full body workout and Cardio.


Push yourself to the limit with a military-style circuit workout in Boot Camp. With inspiring music and guidance from our knowledgeable instructors, discover your inner strength. This group exercise class is not ordinary - it's a boot camp circuit that brings out your best self with encouragement from our instructors.



Area of Focus: 

Muscle building and Cardio.


Bosu class uses a half-dome balance trainer to challenge balance, stability, and core strength. Participants perform exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups on the Bosu ball for an added challenge. Bosu classes improve balance, stability, coordination, and core strength for people of all fitness levels.



Area of Focus: 

Core muscles


Indoor cycling is a challenging cardio workout suitable for all levels and abilities. Led by a passionate instructor, participants are taken on a journey of high-intensity jumps, steep hill climbs, invigorating intervals, and flat roads that are guaranteed to get the heart pumping. With a focus on pushing participants to their limits, indoor cycling is an exciting and motivating workout experience.


Ellen and Priscila

Area of Focus: 

Abdominals, Legs and Cardio.


Enhance your endurance with Endurance Ride Cycling. This class focuses on low-intensity exercises over a longer period, building the ability to sustain physical activity. The result is improved muscular endurance and aerobic fitness, making you better equipped to handle extended workout sessions.



Area of Focus: 

Abdominals, Legs and Cardio.


Keep your intensity up and your rest time down to work out in a time efficient way! High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), incorporates quick bursts of exercise, from weight training to cardio, followed by short recovery periods. Working on your muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness this will for sure push you to your aerobic limits!



Area of Focus: 

Full Body, Cardio and Muscle Endurance


Glutes and Core focuses on lower body and abdominal work through a variety of bodyweight and weighted exercises. Pushing your muscular endurance and core strength to the limit.



Area of Focus:

Lower Body and Abdominal


Pedal at your own pace and push your aerobic endurance through 60 minutes of power cycling! Hour Power Cycling
combines basic cycling with inspirational coaching, breathing awareness, and heart rate training. This stationary cycling
class will help you work on your cardio goals with motivational guidance



Area of Focus:

Lower Body and Cardio


Push your body with your body with Intro to Bodyweight Strength Training! Learn how to train equipment free and use
your bodyweight as the resistance that you need for a workout



Area of Focus: 

Full Body, Abdominal and Muscular Endurance


Jab, cross, hook, punch, upper cut, and kick your way towards your fitness goals. Not only is it a great whole-body
workout for cardio fitness, but it’s also great at relieving stress and improving your coordination



Area of Focus: 

Full Body, Cardio and Coordination


Pilates consists of low-impact flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance movements. Emphasizing proper postural
alignment, core strength and muscle balance. This will get you stretched and feeling refreshed



Area of Focus:

Core, Flexibility and Posture


Yoga is a type of exercise in which you move your body through various positions in order to improve your breathing
and flexibility, overall relaxing your mind. There are several practices of Yoga and you will experience many in this class.
All levels are welcomed!



Area of Focus: 

Flexibility and Relaxation


Come join the dance party! Zumba® comes with easy-to-follow Latin inspired dances to high energy beats that will make
sure to get you moving



Area of Focus: 

Cardio and Coordination