The Mashouf Wellness Center strives to remain sustainable by practicing efficient energy consumption and practical sustainability. The MWC has been recognized as LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum, which is the highest level of recognition in green construction. Our efforts to remain sustainable span from Water and Energy conservation to the materials used in our equipment and facility construction.
Water Conservation

This landscaping feature outside the MWC is called a Bioswale. These Bioswales are channels designed to concentrate and move stormwater runoff while removing debris and pollution. They can also be beneficial in recharging groundwater.

Grey Water System
The MWC has a state of the art grey water system that uses technology to collect, recycle and treat excess water from our pools, showers, sinks, water fountains and storm runoff. The recycled water is then used to irrigate landscaping and flush toilets.

Low Flow Fixtures
The MWC uses only low flow water fixtures throughout the facility in sinks, showers and toilets to minimize water usage. These fixtures use significantly less water than conventional fixtures and may reduce water usage by as much as 20% compared to regular fixtures.
Energy Conservation

Photovoltaic (Solar) Panels and Reflective Light-Colored Roof
The MWC has 295 kilowatts of photovoltaic panels on the roof and a total of 823 panels. Additionally, the top of the MWC is a light-colored reflective roof. This roof helps keep the building cool by reflecting light rather than absorbing it.

LED and Natural Light
The MWC uses an intricate lighting system to save energy. Glass windows are located throughout the facility in order to use as much light as possible and light sensors are used to determine when certain lights need to be turned on/off depending on the amount of natural light coming into the building. We also use an all LED lighting system that saves 40% more energy than traditional lighting.

Displacement Ventilation System
The MWC utilizes the temperant San Francisco climate to cool the building. When the building gets warm, air vents open to cool the space inside. This alleviates the need for traditional energy-intensive air conditioning.

FSC Certified Hardwood Flooring
All wood floors throughout the building, in the basketball courts, MAC Gym, and exercise studios, are made of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood, which is sustainably sourced and harvested maple wood.

Climbing Wall Flooring
The squishy purple flooring under the climbing wall is 7-inches deep and is made from recycled shredded tires. Breaking down and recycling old tires helps to keep them out of landfill. Tires are very durable, which makes them hard to break down. However, a tire’s durability also makes it easy for them to be reused and recycled.

Low Chemical Emissions Furniture
The furniture throughout the MWC is UL GREENGUARD* certified which assures low chemical emissions from our chairs and tables.
* To learn more about the UL GREENGUARD certification program, visit their information site.
For more information about our conservation efforts, click here [PDF].
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